Operating log software for cooling towers, wet separators, steam boiler plants and evaporation cooling plants Digitalize your Monitoring With SIUNIS you can record your entire installation digitally in order to monitor it in a structured way, document it in accordance with legal requirements and operate it more efficiently in the future.
All data & measured values at a glance
Statistics, Trends & Forecasts
Simple workflow & Structured documentation
SIUNIS optimizes your processes work more structured
Digital operating log and installation management Standardized test routines with task management for easy recording of measured values and system status.
Applicable to all installation types Measure values with threshold value control Testing and recording routines Task management with simple and structured workflow Structure for legally compliant documentation keep an overview
Display, evaluate and secure the mode of operation Combination of automatically and manually recorded values. Individual evaluation and safeguarding of the mode of operation.
Graphical overview of all installation data Evaluate and recognize trends Integration of manual and automatically generated readings Avoidance of undesirable system conditions Save energy costs
Realization of savings and prediction of potentials Making the potentials visible. Comparison with the realised values and target values for optimised mode of operation.
Visualization of energy and water savings Visualize a carbon footprint Use target curves to maximize efficient mode of operation Use reports and forecasts to visualize and realize annual savings potentials Plant and measurement digitalization realizes huge savings potential for your systems.
Moritz Haltermann, Manager Korn GmbH
13 years Experience with digital operating diaries
Pioneer in the digtalization cooling towers and boiler systems worldwide
50 years Experience with cooling towers and boiler systems worldwide
Optimize installation in 3 steps step 1 Set up the web app for your installation and tasks Individually record the structure of the installation and create measurement and inspection routines. Define task management and responsibilities. Simple data acquisition with control of threshold values.
Step 2 Avoid downtimes and increase safety through digital installation monitoring Combination of automatically and manually recorded values. Evaluate unit operation graphically and statistically. Identify trends. Ensure stable operation.
step 3 Optimize mode of operation, realize and document savings Create characteristic curves for maximum efficiency and generate savings forecasts (reports and forecasts). All achieved savings are documented and reported as CO2, energy, chemical and other consumables.
Optimized for all devices FAQ
SIUNIS includes both guided manual and digital data acquisition. Today's industrial plants can not be digitized completely. Manual maintenance routines, inspections and tests or measurements are still required by manufacturers and technical authorities. A significant amount of test and maintenance results are generated manually. For example measurements are generated by on-site chemical analysis and manual tests. SIUNIS supports on-site data acquisition with plausibility verification and limit control. Limit violations are reported individually, summarized and, if desired, sent out to responsible individuals. Manual data acquisition is structured and divided into tasks, intervals and responsibilities. Maintenance rounds and measurements are individually generated, carried out and digitized. Subsequent the data is available digitally and can be evaluated and analysed. Data acquisition is supported by the SIUNIS web app on all devices ranging from handheld devices or as part of a comprehensive analysis on desktop PCs.
How is data handled by the app?
Data is stored uniquely and audit-proof in an encrypted database. All data is encrypted and protected against unauthorized access in multiple stages. Hosting of and access to the data complies with the current European Data Protection Directive. The storage complies with the requirements of the respective German regulatory bodies for the operation of plant documentation in an industrial context.
Does the app comply with the legionella regulatory frameworks for evaporative cooling systems
Yes! The app offers a plant structure that can be precisely tailored to local legionella regulations (structure for German 42nd BlmSchV already set up). Which assures the required documentation tasks at the required intervals. The documentation requirements are divided into packages that are easy to process. The documentation requirements can thus be processed easily and comprehensively. The software has been checked by two independent experts (for compliance with the German 42nd BImSchV). The app also offers central documentation for preparing the necessary regulatory inspections at the push of a button. Inspection are thus prepared for maximum efficiency in documentation and workflow.
Can the app replace a conventional boiler documentation required by inspection authorities?
The web app fully replaces a conventionally kept boiler log. In addition, the app enables a time-spanning evaluation and safeguarding of the operating states in graphical or statistical form. Recurring limit value violations or other trends relevant for safe operation are detected. Appropriate steps can be taken promptly. Furthermore, potentials can be identified and efficiency-increasing measures can be taken. The plant is safeguarded and optimized. Safe, uninterrupted and maximally efficient operation is supported.
Which types of installations can be digitalized?
SIUNIS is suitable as an operating diary software for cooling towers, wet separators and evaporative cooling installations, all of which must be documented in accordance with the 42nd BImSchV. Routines and workflows are already predefined for each of these installations. But also waste water treatment installations like sewage treatment installations as well as pasteurization installations and also cooling and heating installations can be documented, monitored and evaluated with SIUNIS. Please contact us, if necessary we can also map the desired routines for an installation that is not in our portfolio yet.
What exactly are savings potentials?
The app offers comprehensive limit value monitoring with various reporting and escalation levels. Additionally the app can be used to define ideal plant conditions for maximum efficient operation. Using this ideal and efficient plant condition, forecasts for savings over defined periods can then be made and stored. During operation, the app compares the recorded data with the forecasts and calculates and documents the savings actually achieved. The savings can be output in energy, monetary amounts or CO2, for example.
Can the app be used by my employees?
Access to the web app is controlled via user management. An authorized employee can access the app at any time via their web browser. The app is optimized for smartphone, tablet and desktop use. The user management maps various hierarchies and authorizations for plants and customers with regard to the recording, maintenance and evaluation of data.
Can we use the app for our facility?
Yes, the app has a modular structure and can be individually adapted to all conceivable systems and measured values. The structure allows complex systems with multiple levels. The structure can be created completely individually or with the help of templates. Calculations and evaluations are carried out via easily adaptable modules and are cross-system and cross-level. Limit values and operating modes with the corresponding escalation levels and message chains can be individually adapted for each measuring point.
Let's talk about the safety and potential savings of your installation Contact us for a free consultation!